Welcome, GOTD users! (Notices)
It's a pleasure to have you all using icomancer :)
We hope you find it useful and nice enough to spread the word around!
Now, there are two things worth to be said about the custom build you got from the GOTD website:
1. Yeah, as per the license restrictions, you're not entitled to receive updates or tech support. Yet, we've been helping some of you that got problems using icomancer, so don't hesitate on using the forum to post your help requests :)
2. Please support us by either giving us a like on our Facebook page, visiting our Google Ad Sponsors from time to time or just telling your friends about icomancer :)
That's all for now.
Thanks for giving icomancer a chance!
Alejandro Caballero
icomancer Developer
Welcome, GOTD users!
I never post a program befor test a while.
Welcome, GOTD users!
I did not receive a confirmation email or license key of any sort; I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program to ensure that it is not a problem on my end. Please email me at the above address with instructions on how to register/license the program; I am eager to try it out and review it in an upcoming blog.
Thank you.
Ms. T. Marcin
You don't need to do anything!
When you created your account you got a special level that entitled you to download all the premium content packages released to date. You just need to hit the "Download Content Packages" button on the launcher and have them installed.
The GOTD guys missed to say that on the giveaway page... But as far as it goes, it seems that almost everyone that downloaded and installed the software got the idea without hassle :)
Welcome, GOTD users!
como me registro?
Welcome, GOTD users!
Al ejecutar icomancer por primera vez se te pregunta si quieres crear una cuenta. Ahí mismo :)
Pero ojo: sólo si descargaste el instalador de GOTD será que obtendrás los beneficios de esa promoción!
Welcome, GOTD users!
Took advantage of the GOTD...have not been able to create an account
Today upon first use, after entering my information, the ok button remains ghosted out. Only able to cancel, so no account is able to be set-up. Need help, thanks Bev
You need to submit the form there...
To create an account or login, you should notice that the filling form has a "submit" button at the end... so you first submit the info and then the "OK" button becomes available :)
You need to submit the form there...