27043 users are using icomancer 9392 users are submitting contents 18342images have been submitted 11165icons have been submitted Top countries are Brazil, United States, India, Germany and Italy
upgrade your icomancer account!
icomancer is a free app, but by upgrading your free account to a standard or corporate account,
you get access to premium content packs from our designers, including:
Folder Templates, including special designs for companies
Color Palettes with gradients and special effects
Texture Packs with imagery that suits company operations
Add-on Icons Packs with refined objects for marking content types
License types
Standard account
Free and Standard accounts can be used by individuals and companies with up to ten employees
in up to ten computers.
By purchasing this license mode, you'll be able to use premium content in up to ten computers.
Corporate account
Corporate accounts are designed for companies with more than ten
employees and are sold in six-unit packs, covering up to six computers per pack.
By purchasing this license mode, you'll be able to use premium content in up to six computers.
Upgrade Standard to Corporate- only for existing Standard users
Standard to Corporate upgrade includes two Corporate Packs (for up to 12 computers). Use this option
only if you're a Standard account user and you need to grow.
Extra Corporate License Pack- only for existing Corporate users
Use this option to get an extra Corporate License Pack if you need to have icomancer
installed in up to 6 additional computers.