Ready to buy Triklet?
Get your lifetime license for $399
- Single payment, lifetime license.
- No hidden fees or extra charges.
- No limits on agents/clients/resources/whatever. Only limited by the hardware and network provider you pick for the job.
Additionally, you get:
- Remote Profiles for Triklet Module.
- A pack of select premium modules for bardCanvas by LAVA SoftWorks, including
Personal Messaging and
Enhanced Security.
- Automatic updates for the lifetime of the product.
- Tech support for as long as you use Triklet.
- Assistance to help your developers integrate Triklet with your third party systems.
- Preferential prices in modules development.
Order form
Important: we have a no refund policy.
Once you download the package, no claims are accepted.
Please try it first.
Once your purchase is confirmed, an email is sent to your PayPal address with a link to download the installation package and instructions.